Tuesday, 29 January 2019

Ted Fick: Revenue and Profit Optimization

Ted Fick is skilled in the design and execution of strategy that drives significant and sustained contributions to both revenue and profitability. One of his more recent accomplishments in this area took place as CEO of the Port of Seattle – a role in which Fick was the driving force behind historic, record-breaking profitability for three consecutive years. 

Currently, Fick serves as Chief Executive Officer at LTA Manufacturing, LLC. 

Friday, 18 January 2019

Ted Fick: Building the Future

Seasoned corporate executive Ted Fick has been executing “good to great” transformations throughout his career – providing the leading large organizations have needed to reverse negative trends, break out of stagnancy and find success through growth and innovation.

And one force that has driven much of Ted Fick’s success in this area has been talent development – the ability to identify and cultivating those leaders not only important to completing an organizational turnaround, but also to equipping the institution with the leadership framework it needs to avoid complacency, continually evolve and maintain its competitive edge for years to come.

“I really take pride in talent development,” says Fick. “It’s crucial to an organization’s lifeblood for future leadership teams. One of the things that have served me well in the organizations I’ve led has been to cross train the talent in the organization – to prepare people to be better and more effective leaders.”

Visit https://issuu.com/ted-fick/docs/ted_fick_from_good_to_great for more information about him. 

Monday, 14 January 2019

Ted Fick: Developing Talent, Building Leaders

Throughout his career, Ted Fick has demonstrated a knack for developing organizational leadership – those prepared to take on the ever-growing and evolving challenges of transformation, expansion, and innovation within a corporate environment.

A proven senior executive with a solid track record for navigating organizations through such challenges, Ted Fick knows what to look for when it comes to identifying and cultivating personnel capable of managing large teams toward continually high levels of performance.

Ted Fick

For Fick, leadership development isn’t only about locating those with the right aptitude for team management, but about finding individuals who display the right attitude – the intangibles of work ethic and drive that so often translate into strong leaders capable of pushing their teams beyond expectations. 

Attitude, as he has come to know, is the primary force behind organizational progress – that quality essential to excelling within any type of leadership role, and at any level of the institution. 

Visit https://www.trailer-bodybuilders.com/equipment-parts/fick-named-ceo-lta-mfg-companys-4-brands to know more about him and his new position at LTA Manufacturing, LLC.

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Ted Fick: Small Things that Help Enable Company Growth

Ted Fick knows what it takes not only to increase company revenue and profitability but to drive dramatic growth – that which is key to turning around underperforming organizations quickly and to ensuring brand sustainability and success well down the road.

A senior executive who has spearheaded multiple, multimillion-dollar transformations, Ted Fick understands the importance of seeking out and taking advantage of new opportunities for growth – those borne from new perspectives and the development of innovation. But he also knows many of the smaller factors that – though often overlooked – are often key to sustaining such growth in the long-term.

·  Culture. A company culture that constantly fosters innovation and rewards new ideas can help an organization stay one step ahead of the competition.

· Employee empowerment. Giving employees the freedom to make decisions and help customers at the moment can be a powerful way to enhance the customer experience – as well as to cultivate stronger customer loyalty. 

Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Ted Fick: Becoming an Authority in Your Industry

Senior executive Ted Fick knows a thing or two about energizing dramatic growth – has been the leader of and primary driver behind sharp increases in revenue and profitability at numerous multimillion-dollar companies over the course of his career.

And as someone who has led major growth and transformation initiatives at such institutions as the Port of Seattle, Polar Corporation and Thermo King,; Ted Fick understands the importance of establishing industry leadership – how setting your business apart as the industry authority can have considerable value in terms of market share, revenue and profitability well into the future.

“A kind of sales and marketing mantra that has served me well in my career is one of positioning your company as the authority in your business, such as through being active in your industry association,” says Fick. 

“So, when people want to know what the best practices are, they come to your company. Why? Because you’ve taken this consultative approach to the business that you participate in, and you’re touching so many more revenue streams than just the basic product you used to sell yesterday.”